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How does the customs conduct inspection? What does the customs inspection mainly check?

Datd:2023-09-11 11:20:06

A few days ago,a customer complained to me that several shipments of goods he had arranged were inspected,and he felt as if he was being targeted.I'm right,it's really possible that I was targeted.

A Customs inspection,why?

Inspection of imported and exported goods(hereinafter referred to as inspection)refers to the customs’purpose to determine whether the content declared by the consignee and consignee of imported and exported goods to the customs is consistent with the true situation of the imported and exported goods,or to determine the classification,price,origin,etc.of the goods.,law enforcement actions that conduct actual verification of imported and exported goods in accordance with the law.

The main thing is to see if there is no tax evasion or commodity inspection.Please don’t take your anger out on the customs broker who made no mistakes during customs inspection.It has nothing to do with it.

B Customs inspection,what is the main inspection?

1.Check the product name and specifications and models:Are there any wrongly written product names?If the export mobile phone film is written as export mobile phone,you will be in big trouble.

2.Check the quantity and weight unit:Don’t test the patience of the customs.No matter how large the quantity is,they will really count it out for you one by one.

3.Check whether there is infringement:whether there is infringement of LOGO,etc.,or misappropriation of patents.

4.Check the place of supply:don’t fill in the actual place of supply.

5.Check the product number:the customs code must correspond to the product name,otherwise the declaration will be inconsistent.

6.Check whether it is new or old:some old products cannot be imported or exported.

7.Check the unit price/total price/currency system:I have seen the unit price and total price marked with multiple 0s,which is far from the actual value.

8.Sampling for inspection:I had a deep feeling during the mask period.The masks had to be tested to see if they were qualified.Many of them were taken away at that time.

9.Whether it is concealed:concealment/random reporting,African goods are often found,and there are miscellaneous items.

C About customs inspection methods and terminology

1.Appearance inspection refers to the inspection method of inspecting the packaging,marking and appearance of goods whose external characteristics are intuitive and whose basic attributes are easy to judge.

2.Unpacking inspection refers to the inspection method in which the actual condition of the goods is verified after taking the goods out of the container,container car,etc.and removing the outer packaging.

3.Machine inspection refers to an inspection method that mainly uses technical inspection equipment to verify the actual condition of the goods.

4.Spot inspection refers to an inspection method that selectively checks the actual status of some goods in a shipment according to a certain proportion.

5.Thorough inspection refers to the inspection method of unpacking and verifying the actual condition of the goods one by one.

The highlight of D is,why do I keep checking my company’s goods?Customs conducts inspections.

Customs control and inspection of import and export goods is divided into two categories:computer control and manual control:

Computer deployment control:Customs first conducts risk analysis on import and export goods within a certain period,then classifies the goods according to the level of risk,and then sets risk parameters.

If there have been many cases of smuggling violations for a certain commodity recently,or if it is found that there are many errors in the declaration of a certain commodity,the customs will set high-risk parameters.The higher the risk parameters of import and export goods,the higher the chance of being controlled by computers.

Of course,most imported and exported goods have low risk parameters,and the customs will also set random control and inspection ratios for these goods.We call this random control.Another step is to set risk parameters based on the company's AEO certification level.The risk parameters for advanced certification are lower,and the inspection rate for untrustworthy companies is almost 100%.

Manual control:It is a customs officer in the customs business processes such as document review,tax collection,inspection,and release.If there are doubts about the import and export goods after reviewing the declaration documents,manual control instructions can be issued through the customs business operating system.In addition,the anti-smuggling department will also request manual control at the customs business site after receiving intelligence.

Manual deployment control can also be divided into five types of deployment control instructions:

1.Manifest control means that the customs controls higher-risk goods after conducting a comprehensive risk analysis on various indicators of the electronic manifest data.

2.Scheduled control is to identify high-risk goods and enterprises as inspection targets through risk analysis.The relevant departments set parameters in the customs business system,and the computer automatically extracts the documents containing the parameters,automatically locks the target and issues inspection instructions.Its characteristics are:the elements of risk control are clear and specific,and the detection rate is high.

3.Early warning and control means that the customs sets conditional parameters in the customs business system based on the release of new policies,changes in risk factors such as commodities and trade situations,and prompts high-risk goods and enterprises on the customs declaration form to remind on-site review personnel Focus on review and determine whether inspection is needed based on the actual situation of the imported and exported goods.

4.Summary control means that on-site inspection personnel review the import and export cargo documents declared in real time and issue control instructions that require inspection for certain doubtful documents.

5.Random control means that the customs sets a certain inspection ratio for low-risk import and export goods,and the computer system conducts random inspections of customs declaration forms.

How can E reduce the probability of being inspected?

Report strictly and make fewer mistakes.Otherwise,the customs will keep an eye on you every day.

