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More details about Tail Gate Exam

Datd:2023-07-24 11:35:45

A Tail Gate exam is a type of customs examination conducted by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on import shipments. It is the next level of inspection after an X-ray exam.Tail Gate


The exam happens at the Port of Entry and it is usually done within the port. The container is usually backed up into a dock where Customs opens the container and inspects without touching the cargo.

The Tail Gate exam takes place at the port of entry, typically within the port itself. For this type of exam, the cargo should be untouched.Tail Gate
Depending on the port’s availability and schedule, this type of exam can happen within 1-3 days after container is discharged from the vessel
When a container is selected for a Tail Gate exam, a customs officer breaks the seal of the container at the ocean terminal, opens the doors, and looks inside the container without touching the cargo.
The Customs officer will then choose to either release the container or escalate the container to an intensive exam.

Tail Gate exams usually take 5-6 days, but exam timelines may vary based on congestion at the port and the CES (Centralized Examination Station). A CES is a privately operated facility designated by CBP for physical examination where imported or exported cargo is made available for inspection.If the shipment passes the Tail Gate exam, it is cleared to pass through the Customs Authority with no further action required. If the shipment fails the inspection, it is sent back to the country of origin.
In some cases, if there are further suspicions, the hold may be upgraded to an Intensive hold for a more detailed examination.
To prepare for a Tail Gate exam, it is recommended to ensure the cargo is inspected before it leaves the country of origin, invest in cargo insurance that covers transit-and inspection-related damages, and engage a customs broker who can help reduce the risk of your shipment being selected for examination.
What Is Tail Gate Exam In Custom Clearance?
This is the inspection of imported and exported goods at the back side of the container without handling physically.
What Is Custom Tail Gate Exam Hold?
This means a shipment is held at customs due to incomplete paper work or unpaid fees or taxes for thorough investigations.
How Is Tail Gate Exam Different From Other Custom Exams?
Tail Gate exam involves the customs workers breaking the seal on the shipping container to physically examine the cargo.
What Triggers Customs To Flag Certain Shipments For Tail Gate Exam?
If the shipper is shipping through the custom for the first time.If there is history of mislabeling of previous shipment.Shipments from other parts of the world are considered more suspicious.
What Is The Difference Between VACIS Exam In Custom Clearance And Tail Gate Exam?
In VACIS exam the container is X-rayed without opening while in Tailgate the seal at back of the container is broken to observe the content.
How Can Tail Gate Exam Be Avoided?
Accurately Value your goods to ensure that the supplier provides accurate information on the value of the cargo being shipped.
Don’t work with suspicious partners in order to eliminate nasty history that may likely to put your shipment at hold.
Use the correct Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) to help identify your shipment.Get continuous customs bond since they will get used to your shipment.
How Is A Tail Gate Exam Carried Out?
The shipper is notified that their shipment has been selected for an examination.

Besides, the shipment is transported to the Centralized Examination Station (CES).
The Custom officers breaks the seal at the tail of the container as they inspect inside without entirely touching any goods.
If the shipment qualifies the exam, it is cleared to pass through the Customs Authority with no further action required.
If the shipment fails the inspection, it is sent back to the country of origin.
If the cargo is found to be illegal, it is crushed or incinerated at CES location.
Which Factors Should I Put In Consideration When Preparing For A Tail Gate Exam?
Prepare for the cargo to be inspected before it leaves the country of origin.
Invest in some cargo insurance that covers transit- and inspection-related damages.
Get a customs broker who can help you reduce the risk of your shipment getting selected for examination.
Be able to communicate with your broker to update you on the progress of the examination.
How Long Can A Tail Gate Exam Hold Take?
This can take up to a month when trying to investigate on the proper records of your shipment.
Which Types Of Cargo Holds Can Be Encountered In The Event Of A Tail Gate Exam Hold?
Manifest Hold: If your shipping documents, such as the manifest or bill of lading, are missing, incorrect, illegible, or need to be verified.

Commercial Enforcement Hold: This is any hold placed by Customs on your cargo if additional verification is required for copyright, trademark, safety standards, or licensing.
Statistical Validation Hold: If there are discrepancies between your shipping documents and the actual cargo, such as different weights, values, or commodity declarations.
